Title & "Read More" Box in Slider is Hard to Read

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  • #33869


    The titles to my sliders are difficult to read. The text color is white, and depending on the slider images, not all the words are easy to read. Also the “Read More” box is difficult to see.

    1. How can I keep the text white, but make it readable? Such as, have the text inside a black background box on the image? I’m open to other options, as well.

    2. How can I color in the background to the “Read More” box?


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    1. The text normally has a partially transparent black background (unless you removed it from the theme settings).

    2. #slider .readmore { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); }

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    Thank you! That worked great.

    Which part in the theme settings deals with the partially transparent black background? If I removed it, it was intentional. I’ve tried to mess with the color settings to get it back, but that doesn’t seem to work.



    wasn’t intentional*


    This is an example of what i’d like to do with the slider text.

    In the picture you can see that the text in the slider has a black semi-transparent box around it, which makes the text show up better. That’s what I’d like to do somehow.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    In the Color Settings section, under Presentation Page > Slider, the last color input – Slider Caption Background

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