third-party slider plugin shortcode

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  • #27489
    Ervin M.

    I need a classic 3 coloumns webpage layout, so I shut down your presentation page. In this case I need a third-party slider plugin. I want put the slider on top in the center-coloumn, in the post rolling page (main wp site, with the list of posts).

    The problem is, when I put the php shortcode to the content.php (in contact dir), the loop will repeat the slider after every post.

    if( function_exists(‘FA_display_slider’) ){

    I has given my web url, where u can check my web layout.
    (Now I use on the site one sldier plugin, there dont need to put manually shortcodes, the slider places the plugin automated to the post listning page.) But I need to change the slider, the best slider all uses manual shortcoding, or php simple code, that I need put manually to the php files.

    Maybe u can suggest me a way, how I can call the slider only once?

    Thank you.

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