Presentation Page Questions: Slider

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  • #24783

    Firstly – This is an amazing theme and I thank you for making it. It has been the answer to many design problems I’ve had to solve building this wordpress website.

    However, one possible bug I’ve noticed (hopefully it can be solved!) and a question.

    The Bug: The first image of my presentation page slider seems to have great image quality the first time it plays but loses that clarity afterwards. If you wait to see it play for a second time it no longer is in focus.

    The Question: Other than changing the size of the slider on the main page – is there a way to modify the frame shape? Very minor but I thought I’d ask if this is something available in premium.

      Hi!I am from Kazakhstan and i use russian version of to remove or delete big headers in sliders /(3 ones – Parabola is the best in the world and so on..) all 3 headers on the first page called “главная”..please help!!!!!

    @Amanda, I think the issue with the pix in your slider is that they are too big in size and are distorting to fit into the frame. (they also took a little too long to load up on my end as well) Try decreasing the size of the picture with photoshop or something.

    wayne ingram

    How can get I the thumbnil to feature on faceBook when post nothing show up and next thing i really want to a play list on each page

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