Presentation page issues

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  • #28360


    So I added Tempera to my website yesterday however I have issues with the presentation page.
    For some reason, I am unable to select a Front Page that will be the front page with the slider for the site.
    When I go to customize and I select the page and then I press “save and publish” and then go out of customize to the actual posts, I just see my recent posts where I should see the presentation page. Then I go back to the customize tab and realize that the page I selected wasn’t actually saved and it shows that I should select a page. What’s wrong?


    Hi there – can you check on the following:

    1) Under Tempera Settings -> Presentation Page…make sure where it says “Enable PResentation Page” Enable is selected.

    2) Then go down a little bit where it says “SLIDES.” This is where you can select what content goes in the slider.

    3) Make sure you select static home page. For some reason, when I left the settings as blog home page, everything messed up. But when I chose a static home page, it worked. Weird since you would never see the “home page” anyway coz the Presentation Page is enabled.

    Anyway, hope that helps.

    Santos Now

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