Accidently deleted a line in Footer PHP. How do I undo it?

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  • #30935

    Under “appearance > editor > footer php” I accidentally deleted a line of code near the bottom. It was something like “php content wordpress”. I was trying to delete powered by wordpress, but now my website is completely crazy. I updated the file, and cant find a way to undo it.

    Is there any way I can undo it

    Or would someone be able to give me a snipet of the footer php code for the Nirvana theme?


    You could download the theme as .ZIP, then extract theme-functions.php in Nirvana\Includes\ and replace this file with your modified version.

    The snippet(s) you’ve probably modified originally looks like this:

     * Site info
    function nirvana_site_info() {
    	$nirvanas = nirvana_get_theme_options();
    	foreach ($nirvanas as $key => $value) { ${"$key"} = $value ; }	?>
    	<em style="display:table;margin:0 auto;float:none;text-align:center;padding:7px 0;font-size:13px;">
    	<?php _e('Powered by','nirvana')?> <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo '';?>" title="<?php echo 'Nirvana Theme by '. 'Cryout Creations';?>"><?php echo 'Nirvana' ?></a> &
    	<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url('' ); ?>" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Semantic Personal Publishing Platform', 'nirvana'); ?>"> <?php printf(' %s.', 'WordPress' ); ?></a></em>
    	<?php } // nirvana_site_info()
     * Copyright text
    function nirvana_copyright() {
    	$nirvanas = nirvana_get_theme_options();
    	foreach ($nirvanas as $key => $value) { ${"$key"} = $value ; }
    	echo '<div id="site-copyright">'.$nirvana_copyright.'</div>';
    } // nirvana_copyright()

    Thank you! I appreciate your help. I got it working.

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