Verbosa 1.2.1(.1) starts fresh



  • Fixed a typo in frontend.js causing the mobile menu and other JS-dependent features to fail
  • Fixed social icons intro animation on Chrome/Edge
  • Improved dropdown toggle arrow positioning for long menu items in menu navigation and mobile menu
  • Improved line wrapping for long menu items


  • Fixed image pages broken since 1.2.0
  • Fixed plural forms in comments count for more complex languages –
  • Fixed gallery block layout issue with Chrome/Edge
  • Added verbosa_logo_width and verbosa_logo_height filters for logo image size
  • Optimized JavaScript to clean jQuery deprecation notices since WordPress 5.6
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Added echo parameters to cryout_schema_microdata() and cryout_font_select() functions
    • Changed custom post type label in breadcrumbs from singular_name to name
    • Improved JS code to remove jQuery deprecation notices since WordPress 5.6
    • Fixed issues with font families that contain multiple words
    • Fixed Select2 selectors no longer working with WordPress 5.6 on Firefox
Verbosa is a customizable, responsive and free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations, designed for artists, authors and creators in general. For more info check out the theme's page.