Tempera Theme sneak preview



So it may seem that Cryout Creations turned into a one man team lately, but the truth is that while Zed has been making update announcements and provided (some) support in the short times he hasn’t been sick, Mr. Kay in true creative mind and spirit has been investing almost all time in constructing his latest masterpiece: the Tempera theme.




Currently in (almost) beta state, Tempera is a siamese twin of Parabola options wise but a wealthy distant cousin as features and functionality are concerned. With just a few more things to put into place, the Tempera theme should be released in the upcoming days.



Tempera is a free WordPress theme, created by Cryout Creations, that is responsive and seriously configurable. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hi….both Parabola and Tempera are incredibly amazing……it actually provides all the options that one hopes for in a wordpress template….however i have hit a small roadblock….i am trying to add a custom css style sheet in the header.php file that over rides the existing css style sheet. But i am unable to locate the link to the existing css style sheet in the header.php file….can anyone help me…thanks

    1. There are no CSS inclusions in the header.php file. The proper way to include CSS in themes (or plugins) is via en-queueing and hooks, and that is done via functions. Plus you should be doing this by using a child theme, not changing the theme’s files.

  2. Is this where you want Beta feedback? I was totally loving the Tempera, and was in the process of changing the header when it apparently triggered a secondary firewall attack on my server. My server locked me out until the admin could re-allow my IP. I have the error code. If you would like me to send me your e-mail address I will forward it to you

  3. I have been trying different themes for years including buying some, looking for one as good as Parabola. Thanks for making all that searching worthwhile. Any idea yet when Tempera will be released for Beta? If it is better than Parabola, I’m not only IN, I’m excited! I have 36 blog sites that I am planning to switch themes on, and I am hoping that Tempera is the one …

      1. Some premium themes have something called PageBuilder, wich allow you to make a homepage with blocks, columns, and add diferents type of widgets, etc, is easier to make a homepage for your blog, can’t wait to try this new theme 😀

  4. What a wonderfully creatively amusing post :¬]

    So you guys know, I went through AT LEAST 100 themes looking for a home before settling on Parabola.

    Hence GREATLY looking forward to your latest addition with which to possibly paint my site ( or coat it in a delicate and tasty batter, should my ability to spell momentarily fail me :ºD )

    Just so you know… what you guys do matters and is massiv’ appreciated.
    And once I turn our work into revenue… it won’t just be for me, but will be shared with you too.

    Keep up the great work guys.

    Much luv from the trenches.

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