Parabola 1.3.0 touches responsiveness again

We’ve had a few reports, especially from iPad users, that Parabola is not fully responsive on those devices. I’m not gonna bore you with the details but let’s just say things weren’t as simple (for us) as they could’ve been due to the highly customizable nature of Parabola.

But in this update we addressed that issue with browser detection and a responsive check for resolutions below 1100px. This should greatly improve responsiveness although we’re going to wait for your feedback on this.

This update also comes bundled with improved plugin compatibility and a new media uploader for the theme settings page.


  • improved styling to add better handling for plugin-generated custom post types
  • added mobile browser detection and added a new step of responsiveness for mobile browsers
  • updated russian translation to 1.2.0
  • updated the media uploader; hopefully this fixes all reported issues with the media selector for slide/column images (the new media uploader is the one introduced in WordPress 3.5 so if you’re using an older version of WordPress now would be a good time to update).
  • beautified jQuery warning to make it less scary and intrusive
Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. I am trying to keep the homepage layout as you have for Parabola and trying to hide the posts (blog). Which, I want to view on another page. How do I do that? Kinda lost here.

    1. C17. What if I want to use both the presentation page and the blog page?

      If you’ve enabled the presentation page and also want to create a blog page (like the default WordPress homepage), create a new page and choose “Blog Template” as the page template. Then add a link to that page in your menu(s) (if it isn’t created automatically).

  2. After upgrading from your former version of Parabola, my Presentation page when blank. All my data is intact, but my front page is now a plain gray. Can you tell me how to turn the Presentation page back on.

    1. You’re most likely using a static page. The behaviour of the presentation page was changed in the 1.2.2 update at WordPress’ request.

      Change the “Your front page displays” option to “Latest posts” under Settings > Reading.

  3. Hello, please could you tell me… if it is possible … as I can add a video to the home page (exactly one of the columns) of the subject parable, I set up a pagian intentanto for my daughter who is a singer, and I really like the theme PARABOLA, thank you very much.

    1. the same thing has just happened to our site.
      another issues is that our custom backgrounds don’t appear at all on tablets or mobile devices.
      have not been using parabola very long, are these fixable problems?

      1. I have got the same problem with my presentation page. I use a static front page, that appears in the menu but after upgrading it only show the title of the page, not the contents of the presentation page

  4. Hi,

    Currently setting up a new blog with Parabola – love the theme! However, I am finding that this latest update has actually made responsiveness worse with my blog!

    When I view on a small device like a phone, the menu bar turns into a dropdown box as expected, but the content remains the same width. It used to work fine, so it must be 1.3.0.

    I can provide screenshots if you are unsure what I am meaning. 🙂 This can be simulated in FF with the FF Responsive Design Mode.

    Many thanks!

      1. Of course, sorry, I should have given that to start with! It’s just a test site, so nothing of any interest 😉 When the width is reduced to 650px, it changes to a drop down menu. However, I can’t get responsiveness to work correctly at any width tbh. The social icons disappear, the nav bar rearranges somewhat, but actual page width doesn’t change. Fairly clean WP install, with W3Cache and BPS as plugins. Only mods to Parabola are setting a specific height for the logo and a few colour changes. Thanks!

        1. Just done some more tests. Whilst the page initially renders too wide on my Nexus 7 tablet, when I go to a post, it seems to sort itself out, except on the homepage. I still cannot get it to work in FF or IE

          1. Couldn’t reply directly to your comment Kay for some reason, the button wasn’t there.

            Right, I’ve disabled all plugins and it is working. Now to work out which one it was.

            Plugin list was:
            – Author hReview
            – BulletProofSecurity
            – Contact Form 7
            – Send email only on Reply to My Comment
            – Simple Local Avatars
            – W3 Total Cache
            – WP Example Content

            OK, it’s to do with W3 Total Cache. I think I changed some settings the other day.

            Right, after some investigation, it was the minify setting of W3 Cache. If anyone else has an issue with responsiveness, try disabling Minify in W3 Total Cache.


  5. I am continuing to face to problem that I am told does not exist, but yet I keep crossing into it..

    The problem is
    – I cannot disable the display of Post Tags in the category and home pages without also disabling it in posts…
    (I am not talking about html tags)

    If I set the POST INFORMATION SETTINGS > Post Tags > to “Hide”, then it will also hide them in posts…

    Please test this and you will verify the problem

    1. Those options control post-related information on the entire site, not just in categories / home or in single post view. You’ll need to use custom CSS to hide tags just in categories: .footer-tags, body.category .footer-tags { display: none; }

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