Parabola 1.2.0 catches up

The latest Parabola weekly update is not far behind Mantra.  Version 1.2.0 brings a couple of bugfixes, two new social icons and the Dutch translation.


  • fixed images with captions always being left aligned (reported by Corey)
  • added Amazon and Yelp social icons
  • fixed “Category page with intro” page template does not process the <!–more–> tag
  • fixed post title alignment on posts with comments closed when using the magazine layout
  • moved the top menu background colour separately to each menu item
  • (hopefully) fixed iframe/object (Youtube/Vimeo) video enlargement on small embeds
  • added Dutch translation (v1.1.2)


Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Also, how do I add a third-party opt-in form to my presentation page? I used the short code in the text area, but it’s only showing a stripped-out form with no functionality. Adding the html code just lists the code itself, and doesn’t depict the form.

  2. Hi!
    I appologize for my bad english.

    This Theme meets all my needs exactly, it is wunderfull!

    I have one Issue and question.
    In the Settings not all Changes takes Effect. It is not possible to Change the Number of Words for Excerpts and the continue Reading Tag is not shown.
    After saving the Settings a messege Pops up – only while loading the Settingspage – that there is a Problem with JQuery. After loading it says: changes successfully saved.

    I use WordPress 3.7.1 – is this brandnew Update the Reason?

    Used Plugins are:
    Ultimate TinyMCE
    All in one SEO Pack

    For testing i deactivate them all – doesnt solve the Problem.

    What can i do?
    I can do some php, html and css if needed. – the Site is in Testing, there is only foolish Content

    Thanks, best regards

    1. That’s an issue occurring on the presentation page posts that we know about and have already fixed. As soon as WordPress published the latest theme version you’ll be able to update and get rid of it.

  3. I love the versatility of Parabola. Awesome theme!

    I’m a newbie web designer and I’d like to know if there’s an (easy) way of replacing the header background color with an image. What I’d really like to do is have the header area white (including around the menu) and the area to either side a color. Is that possible? With custom css maybe?

    1. You can use both the header background colour option and the header image option. Check the theme settings for those two (Header Settings and Color Settings).
      If you mean you want to use a background image for the full-width header area, that can be done with custom CSS.

    1. The first time I opened your site the layout was partially broken. After I hit refresh in the browser it looks fine.
      This seems like a server issue – intermittent failures in giving the browser the style.css file (which defines the site layout).

      Look into your server logs for errors or warnings that may be related to this.

  4. Hi,

    I’m really enjoying this theme so far. In the presentation page settings, there is an option at the bottom to hide the header area. How do I apply this setting across all pages instead of just the presentation page?

    Thanks for the great theme!

  5. What a great theme, the Parabola settings page is pure brilliance and the overall look and feel is just what I was after.

    One question, is there any way to arrange the menu order along the top? ‘Menu structure’ settings under ‘appearance, menus’ don’t seem to affect the presentation page.

    Excellent work though folks, I’m using it to showcase my new business, will add the link and donate £25 when the site’s up and running and I get my first client.

  6. Ever since I updated the theme, the main menu background, social icons at the top and on the side, and sidebar heading background have turned to white and I can’t change it back. I love this theme and I don’t want to change to another. Please help.

      1. No it doesn’t.
        The option is to show or hide tags globally. If I choose to hide tags, they will be hidden in the post view also…
        I want them visible in the post, but not visible in the Category page and Homepage.

        I could do this with Mantra, but not Parabola

  7. As a totally non technical WordPress User I have progressed a long way to implementing a new website for our Guest House – using Parabola 1.2.0. I really like the presentation page with the columns at the bottom. Would it be possible to use the columns on other pages – I have been able to recreate them with widgets but get stumper when I try to recreate the way the column title appears when you ‘hover’ your mouse over the image. Any help or suggestions appreciated.
    Thanks for the great theme.

    1. The columns are part of the presentation page only. Unfortunately there’s no way to add them on any other pages. Perhaps there are plugins that would help you obtain something similar…

  8. FYI – Using WooCommerce, a sidebar appears below the content on the shop product listing page. Switch theme and this sidebard no longer appears below the content. ERGO – something to do with the Parabola 1.2.0 theme with respect to WooCommerce. Sorry, I was too lazy to start digging around 😛

    I don’t have a link to show you as I’m on local. Here is a screenshot:

    Your themes are quite robust and impressive. Keep up the good work.

  9. I used Parabola 1.2 for my 5 years old blog under wordpress. There are so many ways in this theme, to make my page like I want to have it. I find, Parabola is one of the greatest themes here in wordpress. YOU know, what WE need. Thanks

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