Nirvana FAQs

A. Legal

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B. WordPress Functionality

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C. Theme Functionality

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D. Updates

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E. Specific Functionality

[wp_super_faq show_specific_category=”faq-nirvana-specific”]


  1. Hi There!

    Firstly – love the theme; absolutely fantastic and exactly what I needed.

    I would like to add a title above the blog extracts section displayed on the presentation page (like the one in the text1 and columns area).

    Do you have any suggestions for accomplishing this?

    Many thanks in advance!

  2. This theme is absolutely fantastic! I want to use the presentation page as my home page, but no matter what I do the presentation page displays my post entries in two columns when I want just one. Is there any way to change this? I would switch to using just a standard blog page but I want the cool slider too 🙂

    1. metaslide: 1st slide is showing, however it didn’t animate to 2nd slide even if i click
      masterslide: no slide is showing at all.
      slideshow: there is a pane there suppose to be the slide however it didnt turn up.

      i swap to other themes and it seems to be working

  3. Hi, I’m using a background image for the overall background, but would like to make only that 1200pt center width have white as the background on pages (so the background image can be seen on the sides, but the content area of the page has white background). Do you have a custom CSS code for this? Thank you! Love Nirvana theme.

      1. Thanks, Zed! I guess I didn’t explain very well what I was trying to do, but if someone else wants to know what code I ended up placing in the Custom CSS box to essentially shrink the size of the main content area and allow background image to appear on sides of page when scrolling, I used the following code:
        #main {background-color: rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1); width: 1100px; align: left; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px; }

        Thanks again! Awesome theme.

  4. Oh, sorry for double posting, if you can add this question to my other one…

    How do I stop the column text to “jump” inside the images when the page is zoomed out? It will be great to stay put under the images regardless of zoom level.

    Thank you again!

  5. Hi, love your Nirvana theme!

    One question…. how can I add more “Text Areas” below the last one in the Presentation Page?

    (I kind of need more content on that page, as I do not want to include posts under the columns)

    Thank you for this amazing template!

  6. I read C15 FAQ about changing layout for specific pages.

    But if we add a BBPress forum, and want to add in our menu a “link” to our forum, how can change the layout for a “link” ?
    Cause with a page, we can’t add a forum directly by cliking on it 🙁

    1. BBPress is not a standard WordPress section/page, so the theme has no way of applying a page template on it.
      You need to duplicate BBPress’ template in a child theme and edit the code to use the layout you desire.

  7. Hello Zed! Very nice theme! In your answer to the question C24, you redirect us to the question E4. But there’s no E4… So here’s my question: how can I add more social icons or replace one of the existing that I don’t use?
    Thanks and keep up the great work!

  8. Hello! First time caller, short-term listener. I have been using Nirvana since I found it in a coffee fueled daze late last night, and I really like it. I am confused about a presentation page vs. homepage. Basically, I would like to have one set of widgets for the homepage, and another set for all of the rest of the pages. Is this possible? If so, how? If this seems like an amateur question, well, that’s cuz it is. I am a sleepy real estate agent fumbling my way through word press. If you ever want to buy a house, boy oh boy, that’s where I shine- here, not so much. Thank you!

  9. Um… I sent in a question as to how to make my background image show up only in the page body area as opposed to starting behind the top navigation – leaving the top half of my image cut off – but it was apparently deleted from this page after (I’m supposing) a mod saw it… I’m guessing there is an easy answer to this question so can you please respond to it? I’d like to show my client the site but I can’t until this is addressed. Thank you.

    1. One other question… I would like there to be white space (basically a white / blank border) around the body of my text… at first I chose the “One Column” option in the Layout Setting Main Layout area but I couldn’t figure out how to put white space / padding around it and the text went clear to the edges of my screen (no good). Now I have selected the “three column one side bar on each side” option but I’d like this area to remain blank and I can’t figure out how to do so. Please advise. Thanks again 🙂

      1. I figured out a work around for creating the white space around my content. If anyone else is interested, I simply created a new menu, left it blank (no name, no menu items) and chose it as both my left side bar and right side bar widgets. 🙂

        I’d still like to figure out how to keep my background image only in the body area of my page display, instead of having it tuck under the top and bottom navigation areas. Assistance with that would still be lovely!

        Feel free to delete these three comments where I am basically responding to myself (though if you wanna keep my work around for others, that’s cool too – or add it to your Q and A and then delete it) and simply reply to my initial question below if you prefer having less comments. Cheers!

  10. If anybody have a problem with special characters – central european fonts, just go to Google fonts site, pick any one you want, but make sure to choose one with Latin – extended option available and copy the auto-generated Java script into custom Java code. Or you can use this custom java code if you are allrigt with the Open Sans font:

    WebFontConfig = {
    google: { families: [ ‘Open+Sans:400,300,400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,300italic:latin-ext’ ] }
    (function() {
    var wf = document.createElement(‘script’);
    wf.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https’ : ‘http’) +
    wf.type = ‘text/javascript’;
    wf.async = ‘true’;
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];
    s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s);

  11. Having slider issues.

    The text, as seen here ( looks pretty ugly. How do I shrink it and adjust the color?

    I was given this CSS, but not sure where to place it. I tried in the Custom CSS field and it didn’t work.

    .slide-text { font-size: 12px; } .nivo-caption h2 { font-size: 18px; line-height: inherit; }

    1. That CSS should do the trick. Just make sure it comes first in your Custom CSS area.
      You can also try it with !important like this:

      .slide-text { font-size: 12px !important; }
      .nivo-caption h2 { font-size: 18px !important; }

      Good luck!

  12. Help! My text will not align to correctly to an image. I have the alignment for the image as left and the text is aligned at the top on the WISWIG editor, but when I view my page the text is aligned at the bottom of the image.
    Can anyone please please help me?

  13. I wanna buy this theme. i have 2 question before this.
    1. after that can i remove search option from the middle of the presentation page?
    2. is your theme support multilingual site?
    Please ans me ASAP. Its Urgent.

  14. Hello! Can I first say how much I LOVE this theme!!! I have literally spent hours sifting through themes trying to find the perfect one and I think this is it! So amazing. So nice. So user-friendly. So many options. THANK YOU! I feel like a complete idiot but I cannot figure something out. I added images to “custom slider” on the presentation page and I added text to the “text areas” on the presentation page. I clicked SAVE but they are not showing up on my site. I have “presentation page” enabled. I have “show posts on presentation page” disabled. So far, everything else on the presentation page is still the default settings, if that helps. I’m sure I’m missing something so simple. Help!

    1. Hi there! I just got this theme myself today and after playing around and getting some research done, I found the issue I had. Follow these steps:

      I went to my menu, I deleted my main menu page “Homepage” I had created under pages as when I clicked on the home button under the menu It took me to this page..I then went to the menu because I needed a homepage link and I created a Link menu and did the link as and labeled it as “Home”

      Next, go into your settings “Appearance > Customize > Static front page — Select ‘Your latest post > Save”

      Try loading your page again and see if this works for you.

      1. I never created a “home” page so I don’t have the option to delete one. But I did everything else you said and it worked! Here’s my question, though. Since it’s now set to “my latest post,” isn’t my latest post what will come up on my homepage now? Or will it always be my “presentation page”? Thank you! I’m getting there!

  15. Hi,
    I love the Nirvana theme. Thank you for sharing your work. I’m having one issue with the menu bar. My menu list is vertical with bullets, not horizontal tabs like the demo. It also has “Skip to content” link above. How do I get rid of that and have the horizontal menu? Thanks.

      1. Thank you for the response. After researching other comments, I was able to adjust the .css and the menu is now correct. How do I make the image used the presentation page cryout columns link to another site. I’ve added the url to the image in the media section, but it’s not working.

          1. I used widgets and entered the URL but it’s still not working.
            Appearance > Widgets. Dragged Cryout Columns under Presentation Page Column, then uploaded the image (which includes the URL), entered my text and added the URL in the link field. I’m so confused!

          2. Do you know what i’m doing wrong? I really love this theme. I’ve installed your Parboloa theme as well. It works perfectly with this theme. Your help is greatly appreciated.

    1. None of our themes except Mantra support shortcodes (as WordPress rules changed along the way and no longer allow such functionality in themes).
      We hope to convert the shortcode functionality to a plugin eventually.