Nirvana 1.2(.1/.2) loses part of its soul

The saddest moment in Nirvana’s life has come: the settings page – it’s gone! Due to higher forces that are beyond our control, the theme has just lost part of her soul.

However, do not panic. We have prepared for this moment and set up an alternative solution. As we have previously announced, we decided to retain the settings page functionality and move it to a separate plugin.

So, starting with this update, you will need to do the extra step of installing our Cryout Serious Theme Settings plugin to be able to configure the theme. But that step is all that’s needed, because we’ve done everything necessary to make the transition as easy as possible – both by recommending the plugin in your dashboard and by publishing it to the repository, so everything can be done automatically with just a couple of clicks.

As a side effect, the presentation page is now disabled by default on fresh theme installs (since there is no way to configure it until the plugin is installed). To restore the presentation page, simply go into the settings (after installing the plugin) and enable it from the Presentation Page section.



  • Fixed typos in TGM-PA inclusion causing code collisions with other extensions also using TGM-PA
  • Fixed main menu centered option interfering with the mobile menu
  • Added Swedish translation


  • Fixed a typo that would have caused translations to stop working


  • Integrated TGM to recommend and auto-install the theme settings plugin
  • Fixed settings page to handle changed H3 to H2 headings in WordPress 4.4 RC1
  • Changed presentation page to be disabled by default (in lack of theme options on fresh install without plugin)
  • Restored missing above and below content widget areas from page templates
  • Removed leftover footer menu margin
  • Fixed main menu centered option messing sub-menu items alignment on IE
  • Fixed main menu search box vertical alignment on centered menu
  • Fixed presentation-page styling only applied when homepage is actually the presentation page (corrects boxed layout issues with static pages)
  • Fixed some font families not selectable in theme settings
  • Fixed sub-menu arrows on RTL
  • Fixed character-count excerpts not working with multibyte (UTF-8) strings
  • Rewrote readme file and merged changelog into readme
Nirvana is a seriously configurable and responsive WordPress theme, with both wide and boxed layouts. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Yes, lets put less files in the child theme and download more plugins! Great way to deal with a settings page for your theme, add a plugin! Oh I want to google something so let me yell to my neighbor to do it. Smart, simple and sexy. You guys nailed it.

  2. ZED Hello, first thank you very much for your excellent work with all your theme, are magnificent.
    I have a problem with the update, I could fix almost anything, but I had as main page a page without sidebars and did not appear the top and bottom widgets and for me was perfect, now on all models of pages widgets appear, there how to fix?

  3. Hi I have installed the plugin but the changes does not take effect on my website. The slider is not working, presentation column also and the colour schemes… kindly help out

    1. The settings plugin is used to restore the settings page. It does not touch nor affect frontend functionality in any way. If your slider, columns or colours are not working then you may have a Javascript issue (due to an interfering plugin).

      1. Exactly why you should not create themes and just make plugins to do everything, cause they usually always get along. I don’t know who makes your dev decisions over there but seems like you’re shooting your feet with a shotgun….

  4. Hi there, I find the theme can change the opacity of pictures in the article when mouse over the picture.I really like the theme, but I don’t need that effect. As a photographer, I hope my picture can stay the same. Could you tell me how to fix it?THX

  5. dos not work at all neither if I clear the cache

    Current active (or parent) theme is: Nirvana.1.2.2/nirvana.
    This plugin is designed to work only with the supported themes.
    The plugin is INACTIVE.

  6. I there, as others have mentioned, I am on wp 4.4 and Nirvana 1.2.1. I installed the plugin, activated and I still do not see the old settings page as it used to be. Any thoughts on what I should do?

  7. Others seem to be having some kind of trouble, but there are those of us out there that updated seamlessly.. Absolutely nothing changed on my site, and I can’t even tell the difference! It’s a beautiful theme. Thank you guys so much for putting so much time and effort into it. <3

  8. Just updated, 🙁 Should’ve read the text first, shame on me. The site is a complete loss from the admin log in perspective…. hopefully we can revert back to a previous install. Any suggestions?

  9. “we’ve taken done everything” you might wanna fix that and thanks for the update.

    PS. your theme does something weird that i have not seen before, if i don’t leave a space after the opening div tag it changes the font size of the first paragraph to something smaller, this happens with WP Easy Columns shortcodes as well.

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