Mantra 3.3.2 is a teenager

13 years… that’s a long time in the computer world. Circuits change, transistors get way smaller and programming languages fade away and get invented. Through all these Mantra perseveres and returns every now and then to keep herself from being forgotten.

This is a maintenance release tweaking things here and there and getting rid of some recently uncovered bugs and compatibility issues. But never all – we wouldn’t want to have nothing left for next time, would we…


  • Added site title text on header image title attribute
  • Added support for locally embedded custom fonts and improved handling font inheritance between options
  • Excluded posts without featured images when generating the presentation page posts-based slider
  • Fixed captioned images pin option not applying in widgets
  • Fixed Notice: Undefined index: WP_Widget_Recent_Comments in includes/theme-comments.php with WP CLI
  • Fixed possible PHP 8.1 deprecation notice in includes/theme-comments.php
  • Hopefully fixed block galleries with cover images center alignment issue
  • Bumped required PHP version to 5.6 (recommended is 7.4)
  • Removed bundled translation files in favour of the repository translations
  • Deprecated HTML excepts option
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hi could I just echo the comments of the others on here. I use the nirvana theme in a lot of websites (since about 2015) and could do with some reassurance about the future please! I used to subscribe but admit I have let it lapse, I would definitely start again if I could get some confirmation of the future for cryout and its themes.

  2. Hi Zed, like Rocky, we feared the worst and wondered about what had happened to you.
    I’m glad you are still here and Cryout is hopefully not closing down, but can you please confirm your intentions for the future?
    I have let my subscription lapse as there have been no replies to our support requests and zero updates/fixes on the current themes.
    It would be good for us to know what’s happening.

  3. Hi Zed, like Rocky, we feared the worst and wondered about what had happened to you.
    I’m glad you are still here and Cryout is hopefully not closing down, but can you please confirm you intentions for the future?
    I have let my subscription lapse as there have been no replies to our support requests and zero updates/fixes the the current themes.
    It would be good for us to know what’s happening.

  4. Hi Zed,

    How are you? I’m happy I was able to track down this blog post in 2024 because I was worried – and almost convinced – something bad had happened to you. I don’t even have any support related questions or anything at the moment, but I noticed you haven’t been releasing updates as frequently. Are you still planning to keep support for Fluida Plus ongoing? Please lmk


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