Mantra 2.0.7 is going forward

Preparing for the next big step in Mantra’s life (namely v2.1) which should bring along a surprise (or more), we’re releasing a maintenance update in the form of 2.0.7.

When updating to WordPress 3.6, also update Mantra to at least 2.0.7 otherwise the theme configuration page will misbehave (due to a limitation in our jQuery version checking function)

For the nerd in you, here’s the changelog:

  • reverted the #content / .entry-content plugin compatibility “improvement” implemented in 2.0.4 as it was causing more issues than it solved
  • fixed a couple of code typos (reported by Gary)
  • improved drop down sub(-sub-sub…)menus usability by adding hoverintent and hiding delay (reported by Joel)
  • fixed back-to-top button movement glitch on Firefox 17+
  • fixed jQuery version checking on WP 3.6 (reported by Detlef)
  • fixed admin accordion compatibility with WP 3.6
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. I noticed after the update my animation of drop down menu (and other jquery elements on my site) are not smooth anymore… there is a kind of minor stutter in them… is not smooth like butter anymore 🙁

  2. The twin updates (WP and Mantra) have resulted in disabled menu expansion (noted in both Firefox and Chrome browsers), at least in my case. The menu tabs function merely as links to the uppermost menu item.

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