Mantra is subtle

We’re getting dangerously close to that 2.0 version aren’t we. We keep making all these baby steps and the closer we get to it the further away it seems. Who knows if after version we won’t go for a and so on. But we probably won’t. For now we’re taking care of small inconsistencies, browser incompatibilities and other minor stuff to get version 2.0 just perfect. After that we’ll move on to adding more options and whatnot.

Until then here’s the changelog for the latest Mantra update:

  • Translations: we’ve added quite a few language files to theme, plus we’ve update the original Mantra .pot file.
  • The border option for images under Graphics section in the Mantra Settings page now only affects images inserted via the WYSIWYG editor
  • The copyright author will now show correctly in child themes
  • Improved aspect ratio for images in the FrontPage slider

Stay tuned for the next theme update.

Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. It would be nice if you could make the dashes that are in the editor for sub-menu items to show up in mobile browsers. Weaver II does that, but Mantra just shows a long list of links in the menu with no indication of hierarchy. I’m also trying to put the searchbox on the menu & put a support ticket for that on Thanks for creating such a nice theme.

  2. I would like to use the functionality on a page, but I understand that additional code is required. Please advise what that code might be and where to place it. Thanks in advance Karen

  3. Amazing theme, thanks for all the hard work guys. Any chance of an option to increase/decrease the number of excerpts shown on the first page? I’d love to increase mine to show off more content. Cheers

  4. I have recently found the template, and it is fantastic. I usually find that to get things perfect I have to tweak a lot, but with Mantra I kept myself to just around a dozen lines of custom CSS. One of the best WP templates out there, great work guys!

  5. I just ran the update. Now I cannot get to my media to insert. I opens a dialogue box, tells me to upload or select from library…I clicked library and it does nothing. So I clicked upload to grab off my PC, it doesn’t upload. Then I try to hit the “x” and the “close” and nothing happens. I have logged out and back in and still the same issue. Help anyone?

    1. It must be from some plugin you’re using. Disable plugins one at a time and check after every disable to see when the link disappears. Then you just found out the plugin that’s adding that spamming link.

    2. I’d LOVE to able to add adds to the home page of my Mantra site. I can’t figure out anywya to get them there without editing the header or something by hand. There’s no plugin that works on it, and if I put the ad sense script into the home page boxes, it’s edited out.

    1. Hi Mosh!

      Thanks a lot for the feedback. We’ll add that in the next theme version. We have PHP 5 on our test servers as well but we never got those errors. Could you paste us the exact errors you are getting? It would help us a great deal in debugging this.

  6. Thanks for the update guys. Love this theme.

    @GlowPotion: If you put your changes to css in the Custom CSS section under Mantra Settings – Miscellaneous and save. This will save your custom css changes. You don’t need to edit the css files at all. You can also use the Export Theme Options on the right side of your dashboard to back up your mantra settings.

  7. Hello with every update it resets my editor implementations. The trouble is I have a dark background with white text theme…like chalk board style…..but the Menu gets messed up and completely blacks out the text title of current page its on. I’m able to correct this in the editor, but I do value every update Mantra helps with though it reverts back to default black text and since I have a black background, it hides the text. Any ideas? I’d rather not use a white background….THANKS I LOVE MANTRA

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