Kahuna 1.4.0(.1/.2) takes Gutenberg out… for a ride



  • Fixed notice about malformed number format in setup.php since 1.4.0
  • Fixed Gutenberg editor background color missing


  • Fixed notice about malformed number format in custom-styles.php since 1.4.0
  • Fixed classic editor styling not working since 1.4.0

version 1.4.0

  • Gutenberg editor tweaks and improvements:
    • Added styles for the new block horizontal separators
    • Added editor styles for the Gutenberg editor
    • Added support for theme colors and font sizes in the Gutenberg editor
    • Added wide image support
    • Improved list appearance in blocks
    • Fixed margins on gallery blocks
    • Fixed caption alignment in blocks
    • Fixed cover block text styling
    • Fixed block embeds responsiveness conflict with Fitvids script
Kahuna is the big kahuna among WordPress themes. For more info check out the theme's page.