Fluida 1.6.0(.1/.2) meets Gutenberg



  • Fixed notice about malformed number format in setup.php since 1.4.0
  • Fixed Gutenberg editor background color missing


  • Fixed block embeds responsiveness conflict with Fitvids script
  • Fixed notice about malformed number format in custom-styles.php since 1.6.0
  • Fixed classic editor styling not working since 1.6.0

version 1.6.0

  • Adjusted headings color option to apply to landing page text area inner headings as well
  • Added ‘fluida_header_crop’ filter for header image crop position
  • Improved standards compliance CSS cleanup
  • Fixed WP Globus translations not working in landing page icon blocks excerpts (should improve support for other plugins as well)
  • Fixed long submenus sometimes causing horizontal scrollbar with non-fixed menus
  • Gutenberg editor tweaks and improvements:
    • Added styles for the new block horizontal separators
    • Added editor styles for the Gutenberg editor
    • Added support for theme colors and font sizes in the Gutenberg editor
    • Added wide image support
    • Improved list appearance in blocks
    • Fixed margins on gallery blocks
    • Fixed caption alignment in blocks
    • Fixed cover block text styling
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Improved manual excerpts detection in landing page blocks and boxes to detect <!–more–> and <!–nextpage–> tags
Fluida is a modern, grid based WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


    1. It’s mostly fixes and compatibility tweaks until now, but we’ve observed that the Gutenberg editor has matured since we’ve first tried it out. It now (mostly) works so we can play around and attempt to extend it… 🙂

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