Custom style issue

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  • #7965

    After the recent jetpack update the custom style sheet in the Mantra settings is not being called, only the style.css and the mobile-style.css.

    I tried disabling the three plugins I have, including jetpack but the issue remains. I love your theme it is the best for customizing . I do get a message that lasts about half a second saying something about jquery but can’t read it it goes to the settings too fast. Is there a way to set the message to display longer? A way to debug the theme maybe?


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I see your custom style is displayed in the source of the page and is active on the rendering.

    Did you solve the issue? The only wrong thing i see is that part of the header image is missing. But you can easily fix that by increasing the header height to about 140px.

    The JavaScript related messages is only a problem if it stays there all the time. You should only see it for a moment while your website is loading and then it should go away.

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