Change Font Size on Slider Post Titles

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  • #25475

    This is so frustrating! I’ve posted a question before about changing the font size of the post titles in the slider, but have never seen an answer. If the titles take up more than 3 lines, the TOP line is CUT OFF by 80%! It looks TERRIBLE, and there appears to be no setting that I can see which adjusts it. It’s the same on every browser I’ve tested it on. It seems to be the fault of the solid line that separates the title from the preview post. On one of my previews, the line is lower within the slider window than all the others. This results in the title NOT getting cut off. Is there a way to resolve this issue???


    Hi Ben,

    Yeah, yeah it’s frustrating, but try not to take it out on us! 🙂

    You can try playing with the CSS styling. Add :

    #container {margin-top:0px}

    ….or 5px, or 10px, or whatever you like best.

    You can add this to your custom CSS in Miscellaneous settings tab, within Tempera settings.


    Wow Nick… so that would be the only way? But why does it happen in the first place? I’m not THAT familiar with playing around in those settings. I’m afraid of doing something wrong that I couldn’t reverse. Thanks for letting me know.

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