Slider Issues- Not Showing Up

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  • #32276
    Nancy Gargan

    My website slider was working fine a couple days ago, I went in last night to add a couple posts and when I went to my site today the slider is not there. I have read thru many of the forum slider issues and tried deactivating all plugins, just deactivating cache plugin (still deactivated), tried changing a slider to initiate save changes then changed back, I am not a major tech savy person, so this is beyond frustrating. It has worked fine for over a year and now it not there. The only other thing I can see is that in the plugins there is a drop in plug in that is advanced-cache.php – there is no way that I can see to deactivate or delete don’t know where it came from either.

    I would appreciate any help that someone could give me. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

    Nancy Gargan

    So I have an update. I kept playing trying to do anything to get sliders to work. I think I may have found the problem. On the presentation page I had set the ‘show posts on presentation page’ to 10 and when I added my posts it made my total number of posts more then 10. When I changed this to 14 wahlaaa! the sliders and posts show up. I did notice when it was not working at the bottom of the posts was a page 1 page 2 block set. When I tried clicking on them yesterday it went nowhere. Today with the higher post number it is gone.

    So I think my question for help now revolves around “Why will it not just use the 10 most recent posts on the presentation page, and keep the slider intact and working? I don’t necessarily want every post I ever create on the presentation page.”

    Thus, Can someone please offer some advice and help I would greatly appreciate it?

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