Mantra 2.2.0 blends in

Keeping to the weekly update schedule, Mantra 2.2.0 comes with the often requested options to include latest posts on the presentation page (the number of posts is independently configurable) and select the menu items alignment.


  • added option to display latest posts on presentation page below the columns, with configurable post count
  • added menu items alignment option
  • added Amazon and Yelp social icons
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hi, I have just donated after using Mantra now on a second website. Really nice flexibility.

    Is there anywhere I can find out what classes are used for what – in particular main menu background and text colors, font size, and sizes and margins. I cannot find where to adjust the size of the menu font as a start, or colors in the Mantra settings. Thanks for any help.

  2. Nice design and trying it out now, but having real trouble uploading images. I pick an image, hit upload and the upload window freezes and I have to abort and try again only to experience the same problem. Am I doing something wrong?

  3. Great theme, thank you so much! I noticed that I’m not able to pinch and zoom when viewing on my phone…is there a way that I can customize the theme to allow this?

  4. I am experiencing some issues that I think might be linked to the fact that I am running version 2.0.5 of Mantra. I would like to upgrade to the newest version to see if that fixes the problem, but I cannot find any direction on how to do this. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

    1. There is no special procedure for updating a theme. If you’ve done no changes to Mantra’s files, simply go to Dashboard > Updates to update the theme.
      All its settings will be kept as they are.
      Nonetheless you should never skip making backups (of your entire WordPress/website installation). In fact you should make these periodically, not just before updates or other major changes.

  5. I love your work, thanks for everything! is there anyway to quickly adjust the order of the slides on the presentation page? I’m adding a new one for a book launch and want it to be slide 1, but, that’s a lot of cutting and pasting.

    Am I missing something?



  6. It should be able to edit Menu Items Background Color a:hover

    just because a link is of little use

    Also, the sidebar header color – terz is useful and that there is no

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