Mantra and the tiny excerpts

Yet another oddly numbered Mantra version that adds minor features and fixes minor issues. Nothing to get over-hyped about but still stuff worth mentioning. Here they are:

  • Added a new setting for the header: left margin to complement the existing top margin setting. You’ll find them both in the Header Settings. Now you should be able to position your logo or site tile just the way you want to.
  • Fixed the content header sizes (h1-h6)
  • Fixed the searchbar on 404 pages
  • Added buttons linking to the Background and Header pages (under Appearance) from the Mantra settings page
  • Fixed the presentation page columns animation quirk on FireFox
  • Added 3 new social icons: Xing, VK and Twitch TV
  • Added an edit button to the ‘category page with intro’ template
  • Added custom fields catid/slug/key to ‘category page with intro’ template
  • Changed ‘Mobile view’ setting name to ‘Responsiveness’ (this was such a radical change that we almost made this Mantra v3.0. Almost. )

Now the new bug…. is about the posts excerpts, which will be missing their font size, colour and line-height. This has already been fixed for the next update, but if you’re in a hurry and can’t wait for the update, you can find a temporary solution here.

Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this template… however… I am looking for a really good calendar plugin or widget that will work on this template! I was using the google calendar widget but when I put it in the footer it just shows the calendar image and when you hover over the date it show nothing… 🙁

  2. I also got my header dimensions changed after upgrading to v
    and now i found out that no Mantra settings is saved
    i changed header setting and presentation side settings, but changes aren’t visible
    it’s as if Mantra is not selected as theme, but it is….

  3. Hi , my homepage now has a smaller font and is no longer in red as it was before. In the settings it is still set to red text and sized 14 font? How can I change this back to how it was???

  4. Just got the newest version, but my header image is now totally messed up! Tried to change it, but can’t see what the problem is. It’s suddenly become centered, leaving a lot of space to the left side, but cropping off an image on the right side.

  5. How to restore the font size in post excerpt of Home/Category Page archives. My home page excerpt font size is too small than before. I have updated from Please inbox solve it asap.

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