Mantra 2.0.3 …aaand fonts

Pending the release of Parabola, Mantra version 2.0.3 brings a new wave of small enhancements and fixes.

Unfortunately, it also brings a tiny itsy bitsy bug which will render the built-in font options unusable. This has already been fixed and version is pending WordPress review. In the meantime, the manual steps to fixing this issue are detailed here.

Version 2.0.3 changelog:

  • fixed mailto:mailto:mailto bug for Mail social icon
  • fixed favicon preview incorrectly displayed custom logo instead of icon in dashboard
  • slider caption size now self adjusts in responsive mode on mobile devices
  • added mobile devices touchscreen support for the main menu
  • improved search box auto-resize to fit in the sidebar
  • new .pot file (for translators)
  • fixed blog page template had no meta description (now displays the description set in the theme for the homepage)
  • separated post meta bar and meta tags control in Post Meta Settings
  • implemented workaround for iSomething devices’ browser incomplete support for responsive images inside relative dimension containers
  • fixed unequal content column spacing on the sidebar on each side layout
  • updated shortcode buttons look and added target attribute for them (see demo page for examples)
  • added support for google fonts custom styles (and broke standard fonts functionality)
  • corrected paragraph alignment
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. mantra theme thanks to everyone who contributed to a very nice and very useful. I have a problem when I activate my presentation page alone once in a while I get an error 404 page not found upon arrival home. I do not understand was why it saddens me that the problem Is there a solution?

  2. wondering about 2 things oh maybe 3
    1. for the column 1-4 image holders on presentation page how can I get the link to go to a target=”_blank” they don’t leave my site entirely.
    2.If I insert an image on a page say down close to the footer widget area it does not responsively degrade to a smaller size but remains the to fix?
    3. When viewing in my ipad in vertical mode everything looks fine, but when viewing in horizontal mode it does not readjust and cuts off the right side of everything by 20 pixels or so. just a fyi

  3. Just got your latest update, Version – thank you so much! Now I can see my fav font Trebuchet properly – looking beautiful! (Still working on my local xampp, but looking great!)

  4. Welcome to this template was brilliant still lacks one thing:

    Use the first image of posts from an external server in terms of the blog and select the size

  5. since i’ve updated mantra there has been a problem with the dia slide. I cant uploa pictures in it anymore. I can do the prossedure but there’s not getting any pictures in the slide. Verry sad!

    Or maybe I’m doing something wrong and you can help me?

    1. Double check that you have no javascript errors in your site (both dashboard and frontend). If there are, try disabling your plugins and see if that changes anything.

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