Bravada 1.0.8


  • Added generated bravada-accent-1/2 and bravada-accent-1/2-bg classnames and bravada-accent-1/2 CSS variables for the main accent colors
  • Improved styling to support more than two banner/slider caption buttons
  • Improved video header centered alignment
  • Improved compatibility with ShiftNav plugin by removing focus interception from buttons
  • Fixed Google fonts always getting enqueued from remote URL regardless of configured font options
  • Fixed page/category titles visibility option not working as expected
  • Fixed header overlay appearing on top of the slider caption when slider appearance style is set to Cryout theme
  • Fixed caption displayed off-screen when slider appearance style is set to Cryout theme
  • Cleaned up some leftover sidebar layout detection code
Bravada is s a free, highly customizable WordPress theme that’s not afraid of anything. For more info check out the theme's page.

One Comment

  1. Great with an update to this theme. However, none of these seem to address the issues I have asked from you and still am waiting for replies since several months, despite having paid for the + version. Please get back to me on those topics.

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