Presentation page SEO

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  • #20920


    Loving Tempera so far. I wouldn’t mind the front page to be a little more SEO friendly in the next update if possible 🙂

    – There are two h1 tags in the page. Google themselves advise to use only one
    – The “Read more” text should be nofollow, because the post title already links where it needs to and with correct anchor text

    There may be other tweaks to do but just these would be nice already. Alternatively if you know how to modify this in a child theme (without javascript), that will do 🙂
    Currently I’m just modifying Tempera directly :/


    Actually there can be up to three H1 tags if you use the second “Extras” text, the one that displays below the columns


    Oh man, I’m sorry for the triple post.

    Just pointing out that the first H1 tag, which is basically the same as the page title, might not be the most appropriate candidate for the “Sole H1 of the page” title 🙂

    If anything I guess it’s more appropriate that the title below the slider be the sole H1 tag, nuh ?

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