Bug and some weird lines

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  • #102211

    Hi there,

    I am really new into this and found your beautiful Theme.
    But actually I am facing some problems, I want to share/ask for solution.

    Using the latest version (updated on 2nd May 2020)

    I put in numbers for better explaining.
    There is a line break after the title which is different between landingpage and other pages.
    resulting to different heights between 1 and 4. Also resulting to poblems on mobile device – see 2.
    I think this is due to 3 (red area) – i would expect that the line break should not appear, if no text given here!

    You can see correct function when you look at both 4 (desktop and mobile)

    Next to this I got some weird lines – see 5 – what is this?
    the lines appear in the dropdown menu and is looking really sh… (sorry for that..)

    much appreciating your support


    found out now some more information for 5:
    I think the problem is caoused by
    <p class="byline"></p>

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by yayaasd.
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I would need to browse the site to figure out what applies that styling and/or what generates the additional markup. I cannot guess that from the images alone.

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    Dear Zed, any news here?


    Dear Zed,
    don’t get any reply during two weeks now. I understand that “free users” need to wait at least more – but there should be any reaction within two weeks – not really happy with the support 🙁

    maybe u forgot me? or u need more information?
    I’ll be available to solve this 🙂

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I’m sorry about the very late reply, we’ve been busier with some personal events recently.

    The doubling of the borders on the menu items is due to the addition of an extra span by the plugin that’s providing the menu icons/images functionality. You can disable the extra border with some CSS:

    #access .sub-menu li:not(:last-child) span > span, 
    #access .children li:not(:last-child) span > span {
        border: none;

    The difference in title placement between the homepage and the rest of the site is due to additional (unused) markup being present on the homepage. Apply the following CSS to correct that:

    .home #header-page-title .aftertitle-meta,
    .home #header-page-title .aftertitle-meta + .byline {
        display: none;

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    dear zed,
    thank you for your answer – I am very happy with the quality.
    Long waiting time, but I’ll accept and understand taht you also need to be off sometimes 🙂

    the solution worked for both.

    Thank you!

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