Integrating Custom Smileys

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  • #72908
    Power User

    Good evening,

    one last question for today πŸ™‚

    I tried to integrate custom smileys using a snippet for functions.php that I have found through some research:

    add_filter( 'smilies_src', 'my_custom_smilies_src', 10, 3 );
    function my_custom_smilies_src( $img_src, $img, $siteurl ) {
        return get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/smilies/' . $img;

    I am not quite sure what “10” and “3” do, but I uploaded 11 smileys into a new folder “smilies” that is now located in the child theme folder on my FTP (which I adjusted in the snippet). Also, I have named the smileys after the standard smileys from “/wp-includes/images/smilies/” including the ending (they actually are .png but my FTP seems to still display them properly in .gif).

    For testing purposes, I have entered a comment on my website in a private post but the entered smiley is still the standard one. I tried naming it after both the standard smiling smileys in the folder. Then, I figured that this is not really the smiley I see on my comment, but this one: πŸ™‚

    The smiley is not part of my FTP, now I am confused of what and how to use to see my own smileys πŸ™‚

    I am looking forward to your reply!

    Kind regards,


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    If the location of the new files coincides with that described in the code, the new smilies should work. 10 & 3 are add_filter() parameters.

    Make sure you also clear the cache (both on the site and in your browser).

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    Power User

    The smileys that I have attempted to replace seem to be the standard Worpress smileys which already were not being used on the website.

    It looks to me like the smileys I try to change are your smileys (, Cryout Creations)?

    My issue is that they are >not< on my FTP to be able to replace the folder with the smileys. So how do I replace them? πŸ™‚

    Cryout Creations mastermind is a WordPress-controlled domain.

    The fact that the smilies are loaded from that location may be either because of some form of caching/image optimization functionality (like that provided by Jetpack) or perhaps the WordPress team decided to “optimize” the smilies by loading them off-site.

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    Power User

    This is interesting. I will do some more research on that. Thank you!

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