Changed Title Font not working on mobile

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  • #120197

    Hi, i changed the Title font of Blocks (sidebar and middle) to google font “chalkduster”. in the customizer-preview everything is fine. when i look at the page on my mobile, the font is still the old one (even after refreshing).

    where did i fail?

    thanks for your help!




    correction to my post: its not a google font, its a local font i have.

    for better understanding where it is: its the lines “Info-News” and “Unser Speisenangebot”


    Cryout Creations mastermind


    Since you did not include a site link I cannot check for this myself.
    If you’re seeing changes not applying instantly on the frontend, perhaps you are using a caching plugin? (also note that mobile browsers cache content aggressively and you’ll need multiple refreshes to force them to reload).

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    Sorry but I included the site link in my first post:

    I refreshed the mobile browser several times – and the cache was deleted by me before doing that – but this did not help.
    and sorry if the question is a bit stupid but what is a caching plugin?


    another error i found is that the picture on top of the site (the pan with the ingredients and the slogan) is only seen cut in half (top half) with screen-resolutions above 1920×1080. its not squeezed or something like that, it´s literally cut under the first line of the slogan. how can i fix that?

    i think i fixed this already.

    only the problem with the font is still unsolved

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Floh.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Floh.
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    How is the custom Chalkduster font embedded on the site?
    I am not seeing it loaded anywhere in the source code.

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    how and where should I embed the font?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Custom fonts need to be prepared for the web (using FontSquirrel, for example) and loaded on the site, either manually or using a plugin.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    thanks a lot, i am going to try this out

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