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Multi Language compatibility and support


We've tested the theme and expect it to work with Polylang,  qTranslate X (abandoned), WPML and WP Globus.

For specific theme options which define texts that are displayed on the frontend, use qTranslate X's short tags, Polylang's Strings and WPML's Strings features to add multilanguage translations for these texts. For WP Globus, its use of shortcode-like syntax makes it readily-usable in the existing text fields.

Note that these features may need manual activation through the plugins' options before they can be used.

Known limitation

The landing page's featured boxes sections source selector is not currently compatible with Polylang/WPML. Selecting a specific category for the featured boxes on a multilingual site using one of these plugins currently results in all translated posts (regardless of category) being displayed in the section.
We are working on resolving this limitation.

This limitation is resolved in all our themes that have received updates after summer 2022.